Sunday, September 2, 2007

How do you write a research proposal

What is a research proposalResearch??
proposal is a logical progression from the identification of a research question to carry out the research project.
Why do we submit a research proposal presentation of ideas.
showing the value of the research project.
to obtain funding.
Proposal format1.
the cover pagename of the sponsoring agency.
title of proposal.
Starting date and budget period.
name and address of the university unitdate submittedTitle of proposalShould becomprehensivebriefIntroduction Should containBackground informationStatement of the problemLiterature reviewExpected outcome and resultsHypothesis settings and aimsObjectivesReliable.
Time limitedFeasibleObservableRealisticSpecificMeasurable.
Materials and methodsHow are you going to achieve the objectivesWhat approaches are you going to useWhat information do you need?
How are you going to collect the dataResearch managementStaffing and work plan.
Study administration and monitoring.
BudgetHow much is the cost of this studyBudget categoriesBudget schedule should be shown (various needs cost per unit and total cost) ReferencesShould be numberedin order in which they are first referred to in the text.
Contrast in alphabeticalProposal summaryShould containTitle of the research proposalDuration (dates of onset and completion)Total budgetResearch team (names and functions)Statement of the problemGeneral objectivesSampling and data collection methodsIndication concerning what major results may be expected.

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